The focus of the maths curriculum in Reception is on ensuring children have an excellent understanding of the basic concepts of number along with a real-world understanding of maths through shape, space and measurement. Children are taught how to write numbers but the focus is on the understanding of the concepts.
We use an innovative, focused program of work which teaches children mathematical concepts practically first, before moving on to pictorial representations and finally the abstract recording.
In Key Stage 1 and 2 we follow a mastery maths curriculum.
Children are taught using the following structure
Introduction of learning: Includes a question related to the day’s learning objective as an introductory activity for pupils. This relates to the playful exploration before formalisation theory. |
Let’s Learn: Introduces new concepts and strategies through a C-P-A approach with the use of engaging pictures and manipulatives. Guided examples are provided for reinforcement. |
Activity time: Provides pupils with opportunities to work as individuals or in small groups to explore mathematical concepts or to play games. |
Guided practice: Comprises questions for further consolidation and for the immediate evaluation of pupil’s learning. |
Independent practice: Children have workbooks which cross reference exactly with each lesson from the textbook. |