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First day of the nativity complete! The children, staff and parents have all worked together to make this magic happen! From singing practice and line rehearsals to set design and costume creating - thank you and well done to everyone who helped make our nativity so special!


Pupil Parliament were hard at work creating heartfelt Christmas cards in support of the Bromley Loneliness Campaign. All cards for the campaign will be sent off on the 7th - please drop creations into school! The more the merrier ! 🎄✨♥️


This is looking closer to the £7500 mark now! WOW. Huge thank you to our PTA, parents and staff that actively worked so hard together to achieve this from our Christmas Fair. What a community!


Today some pupils took part in some cooking! We were inspired by Omari McQueen - a 14 year old vegan chef / entrepreneur! We made tropical rocky roads and I think from the chocolatey smiles it’s safe to say we had a fabulous morning!


Today was full of fun, laughter and history! We hosted some special guests who engaged the whole school in celebrating black history through exploration of music, dance and African stories! Assemblies, workshops and playground music made today busy and brilliant!


Year 5 had the best day today at the - their science this half term has been based on Space and today’s trip help bring their learning to life beyond the classroom! They were fascinated by the size of the rockets they saw!


We are so proud to celebrate black history through our curriculum all year round, but we also know how important it is to inspire pupils further at this important time in our calendars. We know the children are going to have immersive, authentic learning experiences!


We are genuinely the luckiest school to have such an incredible team of teaching assistants and 1:1 support assistants! These guys work relentlessly to support our students and give the highest level of pastoral care! we showered them in love at a special breakfast in the library


Harvest is here! For those that can, we are kindly asking for donations this week to support others in our local community. We want to work together to send off a range of food and non- food items to the Bromley Living Well Food Bank.


Year 3 got further immersed in the learning about the Stone Age with their wow day workshop! They will write a recount about their learning and experiences from our special visitors!


Today we were busy evaluating our Year 6 leadership applications and holding interviews for Heads of School! We have been blown away by the quality of applications this year - written with passion, enthusiasm and a clear sense of pride for being a member of our school community!


Tonight our teachers met up with colleagues from and to talk all things writing! Across the 3 schools there is a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion for teaching and learning.


Tonight our teachers met up with colleagues from and to talk all things writing! Across the 3 schools there is a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion for teaching and learning.


Over the weekend two of our little learners and their family set up a lemonade stall to raise some money for the new Pupil Parliament! We are so proud and grateful for their initiative, kindness and hard work out in the community


Thumbs up for the end of a super maths lesson! Miss Nixon was lucky enough to teach Robins this morning and was blown away by their learning behaviours and mathematical ability! Well done Robins!


Here they are! Pupil Parliament 23-24. What a fantastic bunch - we cannot wait to get started with planning the year ahead. We are incredibly proud of every single student that ran for Pupil Parliament this year. It was close for many of the voting results. Well done all.


What a brilliant ‘Election Day’ we had at Harris Primary Academy Beckenham! We set up our ‘Polling Station’ to give the children a real life experience of what voting will be like in later life. We cannot wait to announce the results tomorrow. Good Luck!


PE in the sunshine! The teamwork and support the children show one another across the curriculum really impresses the staff here at HPABe!


What a week! Welcome back everyone! We have had such a wonderful first week back here at Harris Primary Academy Beckenham. The children’s confidence and readiness to learn has been event across the school; we are so proud of each and every one of them!


Our wonderful new reception Children have settled beautifully into academy life and taken everything in their stride. We are so pleased that they begin their learning journey with us and cannot wait to see them shine. Superstars ⭐️

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Our Food Provisions

Our school meals are provided by Chartwells Catering

Please see the details of our current menu below.

Should your child have any special diet requirements or allergies please complete the form below and return to the school office with medical evidence, a meeting will then be arranged with the catering company who will do their very best to accommodate all needs. It is very important that you do this a quick as possible after diagnosis to allow time to put in place alternative menu plans Chartwells Dietary Form

Cost of Meals

If you earn under £16,190 p/yr and are in receipt of the following benefits you may be entitled to receive Pupil Premium Funding also known as Free School Meals:

  • Universal Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods)
  • Income Support (IS)
  • Income-related Employment & Support Allowance (IRESA)
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA)
  • Child Tax Credit 2019/20 provided you’re NOT also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by the Inland Revenue) not exceeding £16,190
  • Working Tax Credit run-on (the payment received for a further four weeks after the end of qualification for Working Tax Credit payment)
  • Guarantee Element of Pension Credit
  • NASS support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999.

It is imperative that if you think you are eligible for this funding you apply immediately upon joining school, as the school receives additional funding per eligible child and you will be entitled to additional benefits.