Early Years
Welcome to Year R.
We hope you find the information below useful as your child continues their learning journey with us! This information will help you support your child at home with the organisation of their week and their learning at home.
Miss Hookway is teaching in Foxes Class this year
and Miss Trushkina is teaching in Badgers Class.
Key Times
Homework |
Children will be given Read Write Inc books to read or links to videos to watch. Please have a look at your child’s plastic wallet which will contain all the information needed. You will need to bring the plastic wallets back every day. Please ensure you are reading with your child every night as this is crucial for the development of their literacy skills. Families are able to loan books from the library trolley located just inside the Reception Area by the gate. Please also engage in orally rehearsing number facts linked to HPABe Times Tables Travellers. |
PE |
In year R, the PE day is Monday. The children only start getting changed into PE kit from Spring Term, before that they stay in their uniform. Please ensure that your child has their full, named PE kit on these days. Please ensure you REMOVE all earrings before PE day. |
Trips/Visits |
Every term we have 2 Wow days. These are an opportunity to further enrich the children's learning by taking part in workshops or going off site to visit places linked to their curriculum topics.
Key Times |
In EYFS, children will start at 8:40am and will be dismissed at the end of the day at 3:30pm. |
What are we learning?
See the curriculum map on the subject page and view our looking forward letter at the bottom of the page for more details on what the children will be covering in class.
How can I help at home?
One of the key ways every parent can help is to ensure that your child is at school every day and on time. Other than this, the main way you can help is by ensuring that your child reads every day, for at least 10 minutes with you. This is the most effective way of ensuring that your child progresses across the EYFS curriculum. If your child is not yet able to read, please read to them.
Evidence and Assessment
At HPABE we evidence the children’s learning through the online assessment and evidence programme Evidence Me. You are able to submit observations to us and we can share your child's learning through this digital online platform.
The children have writing, phonics and maths books.
Reception baseline assessments are completed by the end of week 3 in the Autumn term and teacher assessment baseline profile data is also entered onto Bromcom. This data is updated termly to ensure all children are making at least good progress.
Assessments are moderated internally and with other academies in the Federation to ensure that most of our children achieve the ELGs (particularly in Literacy and maths) and that children have positive attitudes to learning and the necessary foundations for the rest of their schooling.
Additional Information
In Reception, we are keen explorers and spend lots of time outdoors. We will go out in all weathers! As the weather gets colder and wetter, please ensure your child is in school with a waterproof coat. It is also useful to provide us with a full set of spare clothes in case of little accidents.
Please ensure all of your child’s belongings have their name in/on them.
If you have any questions, please talk to Miss Trushkina or Miss Hookway, or you can arrange a phone call by emailing the office.